Fans and Blower Units
The array of ventilation units in this catagory are too numerous to have in stock and many types are manufactured to order. However, we do stock a large variety of single phase and three phase cooling, extracting and blowing units.
Fan Blades and Impellers
Through our suppliers we are able to supply variable pitch impellers in plastic and aluminium.
Cooling Towers
Power Station Cooling Systems
Engine Mounted Ventilating Systems
Air Conditioning
Mechanical Services
Corrosive Areas
Replacement of low efficiency fans
Fan Forced Cooling Kits
These units are predominately used on motors with variable speed controls. To maintain the correct motor operating temperature, air needs to be forced along the motor fins when the motor is running at low RPM.
Single phase and three phase kits from 63 frame - 132 frame are kept in stock. Sizes above 132 frame are fabricated to order on our premises.